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Swimming Pool Tips

Why people should never pee in pools

03/23/2023 | Written by in Swimming Pool Tips
Why people should never pee in pools

It may sound unacceptable and annoying, but unfortunately, it's true: People do pee in public pools! There's no need to point out how anti-social and irresponsible this is. However, explaining the consequences and why no one should ever pee in a pool would be useful.

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Poop Parasites on the Rise in Pools and Tips for Staying Safe  

02/25/2021 | Written by in Swimming Pool Tips
Poop Parasites on the Rise in Pools and Tips for Staying Safe   

Every rose has its thorn, says a popular song and the same applies to the swimming pools. Indeed, if we think of swimming pools as a rose (because of the vast possibilities for practice and entertainment they provide) then poop parasites are, beyond any doubt, the thorn. In fact, parasites are the only point of concern when talking about swimming pools. Nevertheless, all problems have their solution and the same goes with these annoying, irritating and sometimes dangerous organisms. But, first of all, we need to identify the nature of the problem and gain a broad understanding.

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Pool safety: Equipment you should consider installing

09/12/2020 | Written by in Swimming Pool Tips
Pool safety: Equipment you should consider installing

The arrival of blooming spring means the time has come to get your in-ground swimming pool ready for the warm sunny days. Nothing beats the fun of spending a hot summer evening soaked in fresh and cool pool water. It’s the best refreshment for anyone! But before you start, you should consider a series of measures and equipment to maintain the security in and around your pool, preventing accidents.

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Custom Programs
for All Ages and Abilities

For the Little Ones

Playful lessons for preschool children (3-5 years) to enhance water safety skills and become comfortable in water

School-Age Mastery

Range of ability programs for school-age children, available even during holidays

Adult Swimming

Customised lessons for adults of various ages and abilities including complete beginners, stroke correction and seniors

Special Needs

Inclusive coaching for children and adults with physical or intellectual disabilities, empowering them through individualised attention

Sami Samour

Two years I have tried to teach my kids to swim from one school to another. I regret the money I have wasted . It took three lessons 90 minutes each for my kids to swim independently . Thank you for the team of Nereids.


Adult swimmer here. Started with zero swimming skills. Learnt freestyle, breaststroke and backstroke in less than 10 sessions. Top notch instructors.

Great investment. Highly, highly recommend.

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