How can seniors overcome their fear of water?
02/20/2023 | Written by Nikos Kaskaras in Adults
It’s always inspiring when we read about a human experience that transcends beyond boundaries. A similar story comes from New Zealand where a senior lady overcame her longtime fear of water and changed her life. Are you ready to find out how?
It’s never too late for a change
Jill Craven is a lovely lady in her 60s. She was born in Palmerstone North, New Zealand and moved to London in her 20s to start a career in journalism. Miss Craven felt great discomfort when being in the water from a very young age. Describing her story she reveals that at the age of five, she desperately tried to avoid swimming lessons. At the same time, her brothers and sisters were comfortable in the swimming pool. Coming from a family that was fond of the sports-her father played rugby and her mother tennis-she chose to play tennis and netball and stay away from the water. Everything was fine until she was found with breast cancer. Her doctors advised her to swim, for recovering smoothly. This was a big turning point in Miss Craven’s life.
How can your social environment help you change?
Overcoming fears of all kinds is not an easy task. Especially, when such fears come from childhood. Miss Craven was understandably terrified at first. Nevertheless, being with the right people is the first significant step for changing the mindset and finding lost belief. A visit to her homeland was the turning point for an extraordinary shift in her life. At first, she was just water jogging as she could not overcome her intense fear of putting her head underwater. And then one day and one moment changed everything. As she was doing her frequent water jogging session in a swimming pool, she saw a group of children having a swim lesson. Suddenly, she had a flashback from her traumatic childhood experience and made the now or never decision: “I just thought, it’s time to do this,” were her exact words. And she did it!
Miss Craven started doing a few strokes, then the lifeguard in the pool motivated her to do more, then one friend of hers gave her swimming goggles and finally her niece arranged for her beloved aunt to take swimming lessons. Miss Craven was 69 years old and her life changed forever. She is now steadily recovering and swims twice a week.
Senior people can overcome their fear of water
The example of Miss Craven is indeed striking. It’s not an easy task to fight longtime fears in old age. It’s nonetheless proof that nothing is impossible. Of course, it’s vital to have supportive, positive and caring people around. There’s no substitute for care and love. Choosing a certified and empathetic swim instructor is also essential. Think about Miss Craven and how the lifeguard in the pool encouraged her to carry on. All senior people can overcome their fear of water. They need to be neither superheroes nor blessed for achieving it. We could suggest some tips that could help:
- Don’t be afraid or embarrassed to admit your fear of water
- Surround yourself with people you trust
- Take a step-by-step approach
- Inspire by people who made drastic changes in their lives
The bottom line is that it’s never too late in life to take a different route. All power lies in mind. Cultivating determination for improving our lifestyles is a doable task.
Why do seniors grow a fear of water?
As with any other fear, the fear of water in senior people can be due to numerous factors. Identifying the cause of any fear is the primary step for dealing with it. It is nowadays known that seniors with dementia tend to develop a fear of water. In some cases, it grows to a point where they even avoid taking a bath in their homes. When such issues arise, the families should address them to professional caregivers who are trained and experienced. Feelings of love and empathy are very important but may not be enough in more serious cases. The relatives of senior people with dementia should not hesitate to ask for external assistance to find the best possible technique that could help their beloved ones overcome their fear of water.
Other registered examples of senior people growing fear of water include individuals who grow feelings of paranoia, who had a traumatic experience in water that left a mark on their psyche or who experience a physical decline which makes them reluctant to dive in the water. There’s no magical formula for dealing with all different cases. Most of the time though there is a formula that can provide solutions and improve their lives. Patience, care, love and calling on professionals are the essential prerequisites. Like in most aspects of our lives regardless of age!