Five fun ways to intimately bond with your baby
04/09/2021 | Written by Nikos Kaskaras in Babies & Toddlers
Bringing a new life to our world is probably the most fascinating and meaningful human action. There is a popular assumption arguing that it's the ultimate purpose in the lives of men and women as it reassures the continuation of life on the planet. Whatever the different personal views might be, it's certain that a baby changes the pattern of life in couples and can bring enormous joy. Let us take a look at how you can bond with your baby in fun ways.
Regular touch is vital for bonding with your baby
Human touch is essential for bonding in all terms. It implies affection and can create feelings of warmth and trust. Especially for babies, it's vital for their healthy development, to frequently sense the touch of their parents. The need for infants to feel the touch of their mothers begins to form the moment they are born. Getting out of the secure embrace of the nine months pregnancy period is “substituted” by the warmth of the human touch. Susan Crowe, clinical assistant professor of obstetrics and gynaecology, speaks about the nine instinctive stages that babies experience during the first months of their lives:
- Birth cry
- Relaxation
- Awakening
- Activity
- Resting
- Crawling
- Familiarisation
- Suckling
- Sleep
It's vital for the healthy growth of the baby to feel regular human touch through all stages of their development.
Respond to your baby's needs
Babies communicate with their environment all the time. They express their needs and emotions in multiple ways. Parents must make sure to constantly respond to their needs. At the same time, they should be aware that infants don't yet know what they exactly need. That's why they require the guidance of their parents to cover their physical and emotional needs. There's a wide variety of responses relating to each need: From feeding and nappy changing to preventing harm and playing games, each parental response is significant. It builds trust and increases confidence levels. Because of biological designation, mothers are more “equipped” to react to the needs of their babies and cover their needs. So, all you new dads who may feel that you don't properly respond to your baby's needs, don't take the blame! As soon as the safety and affection factors are covered, there is much time to strengthen the bonds with your loved one.
Play games with your babies to enhance bonding
Games are an essential part of human culture and civilisation. Humans love playing at all stages of their lives. It's a myth that games are only for children. Playing games with your babies can be a great fun process for bonding with them. They would love it! The best part here is that most parents also love playing games with their babies. Not only because it's great for intimate bonding between parents and kids, but also because it would be great fun for parents themselves! Remember that drive for playing is always strong and when it happens among family members, it can be extremely joyful. Things become easier when babies start to walk, thus they can participate in such games. And they love them! There's a variety of games you can lay with your babies: Little toys, dancing together listening to familiar music and seek and hide is only a short number of options. You can always use your imagination and even let your baby inspire you for what game to play.
Give your baby a massage for intimate bonding
This is a fun practice that combines elements of all the previous ones. Babies need physical contact, proper responses from their parents and love games. Thus, giving your baby a massage is an excellent way to build strong bonds. What is more enjoyable is that both parents can do it simultaneously, so that the baby would fully cover the need for human touch and start bonding intimate relations with them. Furthermore, this is a fun activity that can take place even before they start walking. It would be optimal to start the massage with your baby looking at you. This way you also use a very important method for sufficient nurturing: Eye contact.
Psychologists consider it to be one of the most meaningful forms of communication and this notion is valid for all ages. It's what common sense implies: The eyes don't lie. It's also one of the reasons why a great variety of film genres (especially spaghetti westerns) use eye close-up shots so frequently.
Play games with your baby in the bathtub
This is a game that can be beneficial in multiple dimensions. Firstly, it can be great fun. Babies tend to love water and when they spend time there with their parents playing, it can be party time! Use a lot of bath toys as well for adding greater variety. Then, both games have wider educational scope in two main aspects:
- Forming a fun routine that regulates their behaviours and emotions
- Building their motor and sensory development
Indeed, the variety of the baby's experience in the bathtub (moving their bodies in the aquatic environment, sensing the temperature difference, experimenting with toys that either sinking or floating) is like a primary school for them. Additionally, it can be the ideal stepping stone to the world of swimming as there is a gradual familiarisation with water and an instinctive movement of their bodies. Such games can be their first swim lessons, preparing them for an essential life skill for residents of sea countries.
Attachment is when a baby and caregiver form a strong connection with each other, emotionally and physically. Bonding with your baby is important. It helps to release hormones and chemicals in the brain that encourage rapid brain growth. Bonding also promotes the development of connections between brain cells that are critical for learning; the growth of your baby's body; and the positive development of your baby's sense of who they are and how they deal with feeling upset. Babies communicate with us from the moment they're born through body language, sound and behaviour." It's up to all parents to receive their messages and mark the beginning of a wonderful story!