a What can Swimming Teach you About Life

Nereids Private Swimming Lessons
Where Passion & Care Blend

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What can Swimming Teach you About Life

10/31/2023 | Written by in Adults
What can Swimming Teach you About Life

Have you ever thought about why you started swimming lessons? The obvious answer is to learn how to swim and develop life-saving skills. But there's more to what swimming can teach anyone about life. Much more.

Discipline and Consistency

The benefits of learning to swim are not just physical. Undoubtedly, the goal is to master all the techniques to gain the ability to float and move in an aquatic environment. However, there are many mental benefits to learning to swim. First and foremost, swimming teaches discipline and consistency. Both of these concepts are essential in developing and perfecting the skills required of competent swimmers. But they are also the basis for any development in life. Whether it's a professional project or even an emotional challenge, you need to be disciplined and consistent to rise to the occasion and excel. It is not uncommon to find examples of more talented people who did not acquire these two principles and were outperformed by less talented people, but they never neglected to use them to the full. That is how important they are.


Setting Goals and Measuring Progress

Another great benefit of swimming lessons is that they follow the rules of goals and measurement. Whatever your level of swimming ability, there are steps to progress. There are measurable goals for all levels, which are set together with your instructor. This is the safest way to make steady progress and build confidence. The exact same method is used in almost every aspect of life if you're serious about it. The interesting thing is that this process can be used either consciously or unconsciously. The first conscious level is more common when it comes to career progression. Every professional sets himself a timetable to reach certain milestones and thus develop his skills and progress. The second, let's call it the unconscious part, however, can occur in personal relationships, where the level of our satisfaction and our determination to continue and develop them depends heavily on certain goals we set. Such goals are directly related to our experiences and expectations and are also directly related to our character. A very important part of this aspect is setting realistic and achievable goals. In swimming lessons you will be constantly taught about goals and how to measure them.


Swimming teaches how to be Resilient at all Times

There's no doubt that we live in challenging times. Our daily lives are demanding in every way and stress is high. In such circumstances, qualities such as resilience can make all the difference. Not all people are equally resilient, but all people can be taught how to increase their resilience. Swimming lessons could increase mental toughness and change endurance levels. The concept of resilience may seem at odds with the elegant nature of water, but it applies to all levels. For beginners, the new experience of having to move in an aquatic environment could sharpen their resilience as they adapt to their new environment. For advanced swimmers, it could take them to new heights, especially if they choose to do the long-distance training sessions. For long-distance swimmers, the notion of resilience becomes part of their existence. All resilient people can face life's adversities more effectively.

How to Overcome Fear and Anxiety

What are the biggest barriers to personal development? Although this is a critical issue with many parameters, there's a general consensus: Reluctance and overcoming fear and anxiety are crucial factors. How many times have we thought about an idea that seemed wonderful, but we never took the steps to make it happen? It's a mental aspect: The fear of taking the first step, the fear of failure, the over-analysis that leads to paralysis. Swimming is the ideal activity to fight these feelings and win. One of the most common fears of new swimmers is the fear of water. There's nothing wrong or embarrassing about this fear, or any fear for that matter. In fact, the gradual steps that people take to deal with and eventually overcome their fear is one of the most fulfilling experiences they can have. Above all, it's a life lesson. Once you have conquered a fear, you can conquer any obstacle that comes your way.


Swimming Teaches Trusting the Process

Many people think that talent is the most important quality for success. But this is not true. There are so many people who have excelled in their lives without having the greatest talent. It is not uncommon for less talented people to overcome others who are undoubtedly more gifted. Why is that? Because they followed a process, they trusted it and they reaped the rewards. The same rules apply to swimming lessons. Depending on the level of each student, there's a specific process with specific milestones and a specific timetable. There's a different procedure for people who are afraid of water, for beginners or for the more competent. There's also a different process for different ages. The exact same lessons can be applied to all activities in life. Once you have mapped out a particular path to success and have really committed yourself to it, nothing can stop you from achieving your goals.


Embracing Change and Adapting

Life is a cycle of change. Especially in the last few decades, when there have been huge changes in almost every field, whether it's economic, political or technological. The best example of this is the large number of different jobs that most people have today, whereas in the past it was the norm to start the career cycle with the same job. While this can be very stressful, it also has other benefits as the wealth of our experiences becomes richer. Again, swimming teaches swimmers to accept and embrace change. Water is the best example of non-static elements and provides a completely different environment for all swimmers. When we talk about the sea, the lessons can be even richer. All experienced swimmers learn to respect and follow the ever-changing tides of the waves. This knowledge is essential to accept that life is familiar with the sea. Sometimes it's calm, sometimes it's rough. Change and adaptation are essential skills for a happy life.


Learning to Work with Others

There's a paradox in swimming lessons: While it's just you and the water when you swim, you also have to be a team player. This means accepting the rules set by your instructor. It also means respecting all the other swimmers who may be sharing the same pool or beach. This is a valuable lesson that applies to all activities in life. Developing soft skills, learning to work with others, respecting differences and always trying to resolve conflicts are qualities that can make a big difference. This does not mean that you cannot use your own unique skills. On the contrary, it's a recipe for success. This is why the most successful companies seek to mix people from different backgrounds and cultures. They know that it is the combination of different skills and their harmonious interplay are keys to gain competitive advantage.



Swimming teaches Patience and Perseverance

Last but not least, swimming lessons teach two extremely important virtues: Patience and perseverance. Although both may sound a little undermined in an age where speed and the drive for quick success prevail, they can make such a big difference. Perhaps we should go back to our childhoods and re-read the story of the rabbit and the tortoise to recapture the true value of being patient and determined to achieve your goals.

Swimming lessons could take the form of the tortoise in this story. Whether we are talking about beginners or long-distance swimmers, both would need to develop these two virtues as much as possible. Rome wasn't built in a day, and like any achievement in life, achieving the goal of becoming a competent swimmer or completing a long-distance swim or race would teach valuable lessons that would last a lifetime.

The bottom line is that when you start taking swimming lessons, those lessons can be so much broader and help you through your whole life, with all its ups and downs. So the next time you take a dip in the pool, remember that you're not just exercising your body. You're nourishing your soul with the wisdom of life's depths.

Custom Programs
for All Ages and Abilities

For the Little Ones

Playful lessons for preschool children (3-5 years) to enhance water safety skills and become comfortable in water

School-Age Mastery

Range of ability programs for school-age children, available even during holidays

Adult Swimming

Customised lessons for adults of various ages and abilities including complete beginners, stroke correction and seniors

Special Needs

Inclusive coaching for children and adults with physical or intellectual disabilities, empowering them through individualised attention

Sami Samour

Two years I have tried to teach my kids to swim from one school to another. I regret the money I have wasted . It took three lessons 90 minutes each for my kids to swim independently . Thank you for the team of Nereids.


Adult swimmer here. Started with zero swimming skills. Learnt freestyle, breaststroke and backstroke in less than 10 sessions. Top notch instructors.

Great investment. Highly, highly recommend.

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