a How to become an elite swimmer

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How to become an elite swimmer

12/27/2023 | Written by in Swimming Lesson Tips
How to become an elite swimmer

Have you ever wondered what the fine (or not so fine) line is that separates elite swimmers? Is it a super talent that only a few people have, or is it a matter of know-how? Or is it something else, a well-kept secret? Let's try to unravel the .... secrets to becoming an elite swimmer.

Mastering the Basics of Swimming

Every great journey begins with a small step. It's no different when it comes to the journey of becoming an elite swimmer. Just as Rome wasn't built in a day, no elite swimmer reached this level in one night, one month or even one year. The basic techniques of swimming can be summarised as follows:

  • Learning to control your breathing
  • Becoming familiar with buoyancy
  • Gaining balance in the water
  • Adapting your body to the water

Of course, the above quartet of basic swimming rules is not a static set of methods that apply equally to all learners. There are other factors that need to be taken into account, such as a possible fear of water or age. Although it's not a prerequisite for people who want to become elite swimmers to start swimming lessons at a young age, it's certainly a helping factor. It's no coincidence that all the swimmers who have won gold medals at the Olympic Games started swimming at a young age. In all cases, the undisputed "law" is that each person has a unique personality and the method of learning to swim should take into account the uniqueness of human nature.

Perfecting the Technique of Swimming

After the initial period of getting to know and learning the basics of swimming, there follows a period of developing and perfecting swimming techniques. In most cases, this stage refers to the perfection of a particular stroke. As we know, there are four main strokes:

  • Freestyle
  • Backstroke
  • Breaststroke
  • Butterfly

Although the initial training of elite swimmers involves learning all the above strokes, when the time comes to compete, choosing and specialising is the optimal strategy. Take Ian Thorpe for example. Thorpe is a swimming legend who has won five Olympic gold medals. As a junior, Thorpe competed in both freestyle and breaststroke and achieved good times. However, as he grew and progressed, he eventually concentrated on freestyle and the rest is history.

Of course, the selection process is very important. It should be based on the following two factors:

1) Inclination

2) Competition


Inclination is the most important criterion because it shows the area of growth and it is usually the favourite of the swimmers heading for the top. In other words, if a swimmer is concentrating on a swimming style that is not favourable to him/her, chances are that the performance will not reach the maximum range.


As far as competition is concerned, it's always a good idea to keep an eye on the world map of elite swimmers and choose the stroke that gives you the best chance of winning a medal in a major competition. Although it's often overlooked, it could make a huge difference speculating about the future, based on a solid analysis of all possible aspects.

Keeping Consistency in Swim Training

The third stage of the process of becoming an elite swimmer is probably the most challenging. Even if you have managed to apply the first steps of the elite swimmer journey to perfection, the aspect of hard work and consistency is still the most important of all. Going back to the 'secrets' mentioned at the beginning of this article, this is the most fundamental 'secret' of all. Keeping a steady pace, persevering and developing a 'can do' attitude are the differentiating factors that set the elite swimmers apart and determine their overall success.

But what makes people who start swimming lessons give up along the way? Research carried out in Canada, the USA and Spain has identified the following as the main reasons:

  • Conflicts with trainers
  • Other things to do
  • Competence improvements
  • Failure
  • Parents, Couples or Trainers
  • Lack of Enjoyment
  • Getting bored

Especially for people who want to reach an elite level in swimming, choosing the right swimming instructor is absolutely crucial. However, it would be a mistake to think that all elite swimmers were superhumans who never suffered a setback on their way to the top. Ian Thorpe is again a notable example, having suffered from depression, while Scot Miller began taking drugs to cope with the pressures of elite swimming and was eventually jailed.

The Role of Physical and Mental Preparation in Elite Swimming

Such examples illustrate the huge challenges that elite swimmers face, not only during their training period, but also after they have achieved great success. That's why it's vital for all aspiring elite swimmers to prepare both physically and mentally. The physical aspect of preparation does not only include physical training in and out of the pool. Equally important is the organisation of a suitable and healthy diet to cope with the high demands of elite swimming. Considering that the average competitive swimmer burns 2,000 to 10,000 calories per day, it is essential to eat well and eat healthy. Of course, eating habits will vary depending on factors such as age and volume of training, but it's a top priority at the elite level of swimming.
Last but not least is mental preparation. Building psychological resilience and strengthening the inner self are essential qualities for all elite swimmers. What are the key mental preparation techniques?

  • Staying focused
  • Staying humble
  • Being willing to go the extra mile
  • Visualising success
  • Having a positive attitude 

The ideal situation for all elite swimmers is to transform the above quidelines from techniques to values. Integrating them and trying to practice them every day is such a crucial factor not only in reaching the elite level of swimming competence, but also in maintaining a healthy mindset during and after the elite years. And this can be just as important as we have seen in our examples of elite swimmers who have got out of the truck. After all, everything we do in life should be aimed at achieving fulfilment and happiness.



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Sami Samour

Two years I have tried to teach my kids to swim from one school to another. I regret the money I have wasted . It took three lessons 90 minutes each for my kids to swim independently . Thank you for the team of Nereids.


Adult swimmer here. Started with zero swimming skills. Learnt freestyle, breaststroke and backstroke in less than 10 sessions. Top notch instructors.

Great investment. Highly, highly recommend.

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